Us history biography hanger project

FOUNDING FATHER HANGER/BOTTLE PERSON BIOGRAPHY PROJECT The American History project for Quarter 2 will be a research project on one of our Founding Fathers.

  • Hanger Person Biography -
  • Other than research, this project will be done at home. This project will consist of three parts; (1) a researched 5 paragraph essay on the life and importance of a founding father; (2) a visual presentation of the founding father using either a “hanger person” or a “bottle person”, and; (3) an oral presentation to the class of the research found and of the visual representation.

    See below for details of each part of the project. PART 1: Research/Essay One class period will be devoted to research on the founding father. Founding father names will be chosen by random draw in class. The research will be presented in essay form and will include the following information:      Statistical information: Name, date and place of birth and death Important facts such as family members, education, and important event in their life.

    Describe the person’s adult life. What work did this person do? How did he/she become well known? What are his or hers accomplishments? How is the world different because this person lived? Why this person is considered a founding father? A bibliography or list of sources used while researching your Founding Father should also be included at the end of your essay.

    PART 2: Visual Representation ** Your visual representation of your founding father must be in the form of either a “hanger person” or a “bottle person”. See details below Hanger Person Instructions: Suggested Materials:  Wire hanger (provided)  Large piece of construction paper  Heavy‐duty tape  Scissors  Plain or lined paper Directions: 1.

    Center a hanger on the large piece of construction paper. Be sure the hook extends over the top edge. 2. Fold the paper along the angle to cover the “shoulder” wires. 3. Use tape to secure the paper. 4. Turn the covered hanger over (this piece represents the torso.) 5.

    Us history biography hanger project ideas Social studies by grade. Unit Price. Cut a circle of oval about 4 to 5 inches in diameter. Performing arts.

    Cut a circle of oval about 4 to 5 inches in diameter. 6. Tape the circle on to the top of the hanger (This piece represents the head). 7. Cut out the body outline completely. 8. Begin to decorate it to look like the historical biographical subject.

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  • Item 2 of 4
  • Hanger People Biography - Teaching in Room 6
  • Scanned Document - Mrs. Howard's 4th Grade Classroom!
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  • 9. Attach the hanger to the back of the shoulder area with tape. Attach the biography essay to your person by either the essay in their hands or on their bodies) Be sure to include your name on the back of the project. BOTTLE PERSON PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS: Materials needed for the bottle:  1 plastic bottle  For example:  Small water or soda bottle  2 liter soda bottle  Ketchup bottle  Dish soap bottle o Please note the a minimum size should be at least 16 ounces, and the maximum size should be a 2 liter bottle  Sand, dirt, or gravel to put in the bottom of your bottle to anchor it  Things to decorate your bottle to look like the person you have researched  For example:  Paint, yarn, glue, sequins, felt, beads, feathers, colored paper, pipe cleaners, Styrofoam balls, fabric, buttons, clay, googly eyes, etc.

    Directions for the bottle person project: 1. Clean the bottle 2. Place sand or dirt inside the bottle so it won’t tip over (just a little…you don’t need to fill the entire bottle) 3. Use something to form a three dimensional head.

    Hanger Person Biography - Awesome Idea! Mental math. Fast and accurate language certification. ELA test prep.

    Decorate the “head” to look like your Founding Father  Examples of things to use for the head: o Styrofoam ball, wooden spoon, large button, tennis ball, ping pong ball, paper mache balloon, clay, Dixie cup, stuffed sock, etc.  Don’t forget to give your person hair! 4. Construct arms for the bottle person by using pipe cleaners, cardboard, straws, or other items and fix them in place.

    Adding something to the bottom for shoes or feet is optional. 5. Use materials such as fabric, paper, felt, yarn, etc. to make an outfit for your person that would be typical of what was worn during that person’s life.  Glue clothing around the entire bottle  Keep in mind, when this project is finished, it should look like a doll so all sides should be decorated.

    PART 3: Oral Presentation The oral presentation is a minute presentation on the Founding Father.

    Us history biography hanger project Share this resource. School psychology. Wish List. Hot Lunches start Tuesday, October 7.

    Your presentation should be rehearsed but you may refer to note should be able to answer basic questions without referring back to your essay. You will also present your hanger/bottle person at this time. Your project will be graded as follows: Part 1: Research Essay Completeness of information ………20 pts. Essay format with correct Grammatical conventions …………..

    10 pts.

    Biography hanger project Teacher tools. American sign language. Earth Day. Adding something to the bottom for shoes or feet is optional.

    Bibliography …………………………….. 10 pts. Total Possible Points 40 pts. Part 2: Visual Representation Actual person likeness ……………….. 25 pts. Overall neatness/construction ……. 15 pts.

    Hanger/Bottle Person Project - Mental math. Kindergarten science. Construct arms for the bottle person by using pipe cleaners, cardboard, straws, or other items and fix them in place. Music composition.

    Total Possible Points 40 pts. Part 3: Oral Presentation Overall preparedness presenter …… pts. Ability to answer questions ……… 10 pts. Total Possible Points 20 pts. PROJECT IMPORTANT DATES: Project Founding Father Assigned……………Monday, November 2 Media Center Research …………………………, November 6 Project Due ……………………………………………Monday, December 7 Oral Presentations ………………………………….Monday and Tuesday, December 7 -8 ** Google search images for hanger person project and bottle person projects