Eka tjipta widjaja dan keluarga berencana

Eka tjipta widjaja dan keluarga berencana Untuk bertahan hidup, sang ayah membangun usaha kecil-kecilan berupa toko sederhana. Tapi Eka menolak duduk di kelas satu. Eka tidak mau hanya ikut menjaga toko. Setelah mencicipi seperempat ayam komplit dengan kecap cuka dan bawang putih, minum dua teguk whisky gratis, si Jepang bilang Joto..!!

Eka Tjipta Widjaja — Family tree

Widjaja had several wives and at least 40 children. The family tree below is just an excerpt. It also been reported that Eka Widjaja had 28 children, 15 official children and 13 children outside a marriage (source), one of his late son Freddy Widjaja is suing to get part of his inheritance.


Many of his children and grandchildren are directors of Sinar Mas subsidiaries.

Almost all of them studied (usually business or economics) at the University of Southern California.

Family Trees

Only few of his children, the ones that are known are shown. See the interactive tree here.

Teguh Ganda

Let’s look at his first born Teguh Ganda (alias Oei Tjie Goan).

His son Eric Oei, is the CEO of HKC Holdings, and his other two daughters are directors at Asia Pulp & Paper.

Oei Hong Leong

He is a Singaporean billionaire businessman.

Eka tjipta widjaja dan keluarga berencana cpns Berkat keuletannya membantu berjualan ini, Eka berhasil mengumpulkan tabungan untuk merenovasi rumah orang tuanya. Eka Tjipta Widjaja bukanlah seorang sarjana, doktor, maupun gelar-gelar yang lain yang disandang para mahasiswa ketika mereka berhasil menamatkan studi. Ia pun bekerja keras memilih apa yang dapat dipakai dan dijual. Artikel Terkait.

Little is known about his 4 daughters, they don’t seem to have business positions in his ventures.

His daughter Alice Oei married Matthew Song (HSBC’s Head of Equity Capital Markets for Southeast Asia). His other daughters were were seen at Singapore’s chanel cruise party. (link)


His daughter Sukmawati first married Rudy Maeloa, described by Indra as Eka Widjaja’s “right hand”, as a person with extensive knowledge in the palm oil business, he died of liver problems with the age of (s) Sukmawati later married Kenneth Lian, who is now president director of Sinarmas (s).

Fanny Maeloa (born ) married William Shane Tan, who is the son Judith Soeryadjaya, and grandson of William Soeryadjaya.

Read about the Soeryadjaya family.


His son Elijah Frankle Widjaya also known as Djafar has three known children.

Eka tjipta widjaja dan keluarga berencana nasiona Pranala luar [ sunting sunting sumber ]. Pada masa itu harga beras masih sen. Sepanjang umurnya, Eka Tjipta Widjaja dikenal karena keuletannya dalam menjalankan bisnis. Tentu Eka tidak menyerah, dia beralih berdagang barang kebutuhan pokok yang dibuang tentara Jepang saat menyerah.

His wife and two of his children are listed as employees in his company Bund Center Investment Limited

His daughter Deborah Widjaja is paid between ,–, S$. Whereas his son Joshua and wife Jehnny are paid between 50, and , S$ annually (as of , see report)

His daughter Deborah presumably married Jonathan Shih, both studied (you guessed it) at the University of Southern California from to Later they moved to Shanghai, and then moved back to Singapore.


Muktar Widjaja has three known children.

He has one son named after a famous popstar: Michael Jackson Purwanto Widjaja, he the the CEO of Sinar Mas Land and two daughters: Margaretha Natalia Widjaja, director at Sinar Mas Land and Marcellyna Junita Widjaja, who currently lives in Beverly Hills.


Fenny’s son Megain Widjaja (born 30 December ) is the board member of Indonesia Commodity & Derivatives Exchange.

He studied Finance & Accounting at Seattle University.