Meccanotessile galileo biography

Galileo Galilei

Italian physicist, astronomer, one of the founders of natural science, an outstanding thinker of the Renaissance.
Date of Birth:
Country: Italy

Biography of Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, astronomer, and one of the founders of natural science, as well as a prominent thinker of the Renaissance.

He was born on February 15, , in the city of Pisa, into a noble but impoverished family.

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  • His father, Vincenzo Galilei, was a talented musician and composer, but art did not provide enough income, so he supplemented his earnings with cloth trading.

    Galileo lived in Pisa until the age of eleven, where he attended school, and then moved with his family to Florence. There, he continued his education at a Benedictine monastery, studying grammar, arithmetic, rhetoric, and other subjects.

    At the age of seventeen, Galileo enrolled at the University of Pisa to pursue a career in medicine. Due to financial constraints, he had to leave the university and return to Florence. It was here that Galileo began studying mathematics and physics.

    Meccanotessile galileo biography for kids In Drake, S. There are estimates that suggest Galileo Galilei had an IQ ranging from to , and some sources specifically mention an IQ of He understood the parabola , both in terms of conic sections and in terms of the ordinate y varying as the square of the abscissa x. Consolmagno, G.

    In , he wrote his first scientific work, "Little Hydrostatic Weights".

    In , Galileo obtained a professorship in mathematics at the University of Pisa, where he taught mathematics and astronomy. During this time, he conducted experiments by dropping various objects from the inclined Tower of Pisa to test Aristotle's theory that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones.

    His experiments proved this theory to be false. In , Galileo constructed his first telescope, an optical system consisting of convex and concave lenses, and began systematic astronomical observations.

    Meccanotessile galileo biography wikipedia Perspectives on Science. He was one of the earliest Renaissance developers of the thermoscope [ 9 ] and the inventor of various military compasses. Subject history. Galileo found four moons orbiting the planet Jupiter, which we now know as Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.

    This marked the rebirth of the telescope, which had been virtually unknown for nearly twenty years, and became a powerful tool for scientific inquiry. Therefore, Galileo can be considered the inventor of the first telescope.

    He quickly improved his telescope, and according to his own words, "built an instrument so perfect that objects appeared almost a thousand times larger and more than thirty times closer than when observed with the naked eye".

    Galileo turned his telescope towards the sky on the night of January 7, What he saw there – the lunar landscape, mountain ranges and peaks – led him to believe that the Moon resembled the Earth and had mountain systems. This discovery contradicted religious dogma and Aristotle's teachings about the special position of Earth among celestial bodies.

    Galileo also discovered four moons of Jupiter, which also contradicted Aristotle's teachings. He established that the Sun rotates on its axis.

    Galileo biography earth Consolmagno, G. It began as a dispute over the nature of comets, but by the time Galileo had published The Assayer Il Saggiatore in , his last salvo in the dispute, it had become a much wider controversy over the very nature of science itself. These included mountains and valleys on the surface of the moon, sunspots, the four largest moons of the planet Jupiter and the phases of the planet Venus. Galileo: Two New Sciences.

    Based on his observations, Galileo concluded that rotational motion was inherent to all celestial bodies and that the heliocentric system proposed by Copernicus was the only true one. Galileo began to advocate more boldly for Copernican theory.

    In , eleven prominent theologians reviewed Copernican theory and concluded that it was false.

    It was declared heretical, and Copernicus' book "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres" was included in the Index of Forbidden Books. Galileo was summoned from Florence to Rome and ordered to cease propagating heretical views on the structure of the universe. Galileo was forced to comply. In , his book "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems – Ptolemaic and Copernican" was published.

    The book was written in the form of a dialogue between two Copernican supporters and one adherent of Aristotle and Ptolemy.

    Meccanotessile galileo biography Read View source View history. Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote Wikisource Wikidata item. Jesuit Exegetes and the Copernican System. At the start of , Francesco Ingoli initiated a debate with Galileo, sending him an essay disputing the Copernican system.

    Each interlocutor sought to understand the other's point of view and the validity of their arguments.

    Sanctions followed immediately. The sale of the "Dialogue" was banned, and Galileo was called to trial in Rome. The trial lasted from April to June , and on June 22, at the same church where Giordano Bruno had received his death sentence, Galileo, kneeling, uttered the prescribed recantation.

    In the final years of his life, he had to work under the harshest conditions.

    He lived under house arrest at his villa in Arcetri (Florence) under constant supervision by the Inquisition.

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  • It was during this time, for a period of two years, that Galileo wrote "Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations" where he presented the foundations of dynamics. In May , the scientist negotiated the publication of his work in the Netherlands and secretly sent the manuscript there. The "Discourses" were published in Nieuw-Leyden in July , almost a year later, the book reached Arcetri in June By that time, the sick and blind Galileo could only touch his creation with his hands.

    Galileo Galilei died on January 8, He was buried in the monastic chapel of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence without honors or a tombstone.

    It wasn't until November that Pope John Paul II officially acknowledged that the Inquisition had made an error in , forcing the scientist to recant Copernican theory.